Online Class: Negotiation Skills

This online negotiation skills course will teach you all the strategies you need to know to prepare, start, progress through and finalize positive outcomes in the negotiation process.

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Course Description

In order to be effective at any business endeavor learning how to negotiate properly is not simply a "nice skill to have," it has become an essential requirement in career advancement. This course will teach you what you need to know in order to become accomplished at finding that perfect "middle-ground" in any deal. For those who relish the idea of engaging in what some call the "dance" of compromise, you will also profit from the beneficial information contained within this course. Lastly, those who tend to overshoot their mark will learn how to be more restrained in their negotiations. Making full use of this course, in its entirety, is the first step in getting more of what you want in life and business.

To develop your skills at negotiating, it is important to first understand some basic principles about what negotiating is and is not. 

Negotiation Defined
Negotiation is a process in which two or more individuals agree upon a direction to take, resolve a dispute and/or bargain for some type of advantage, whether mutual or individual. What propels two parties into negotiation is a desire to come to a mutual agreement or decision based on the input of both sides. The ultimate outcome is that both parties come to a satisfactory conclusion, although this is not always the case.
The Importance of Listening
The skill of listening cannot be stressed enough when it comes to understanding the basic requirements of negotiating well. How adept you are at listening will determine how accomplished you will become at negotiating. Far too many people enter into discussions with their minds made up in regard to what they want. They already have decided on their own agenda, and they know what they are going to say before a meeting ever takes place; this makes it difficult to negotiate properly or fairly with the other party. If you tune out what the other party is saying, just waiting until it is your turn to talk, you may as well not even bother with the pretense of discussions.
The point of negotiating is to walk into the endeavor with an open mind and a flexible agenda so that you are being responsive rather than rigid. If you have problems listening to others, then you need to practice acquiring this skill first. The next time someone speaks to you, focus only on what they are saying. Pay attention not only to the words they speak but also to their facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. See if you can recall what someone said to you two hours earlier, two days ago,and two weeks ago.
This is not about "memorizing" but about really hearing what the other person is saying to you, and words are only part of the story. With time you will become better equipped to "read between the lines" of what others are saying. Watch the speaker closely. Is he or she tense, edgy, and restless? Or relaxed, comfortable, and confident? Can the person be persuaded to change her or his mind, or has the person dug into a position? Would pressing the issue create a bigger problem, or is it the perfect time to push your point? These nuances can be discerned only when you have acquired the skill of listening well, so if you are not a good listener, you need to start by working on this first. How? Well, as the saying goes, how do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice!
Start at home with those closest to you. If you live alone, practice with friends and acquaintances. You will start to notice that people respond well to being heard. Study the box below and start using the tips there in your next conversation. Keep using them until they become second nature.

The Dos and Don'ts of Listening Well:

  1. Do make eye contact. Looking at the person who is speaking will let the speaker know he or she has your attention.
  2. Do give appropriate feedback at key points. An occasional nod or the use of the words, "Yes," "Right," "I understand," and "OK," lets the speaker know that you are absorbing the words and are following along, which provides an incentive to continue speaking.
  3. Don't give advice. Unless you are pointedly asked, do not dole out advice. Because people tell you about a specific event does not mean they are seeking your opinion on what they should do; they may just be venting or sharing something that is troubling them.
  4. Don't interrupt. When others are speaking, we often have a strong desire to interrupt them with our own opinion or input before they have had a chance to finish speaking. Wait until the other party is finished before giving your feedback.
  5. Do ask for clarification. If you do not understand what others are saying, do not be afraid to ask them to explain what they mean. Wait for them to pause and then say something like, "I'm not clear on that last point," or "Could you explain that a little more?"


We All Negotiate
Whether you realize it or not, you negotiate on a daily basis without giving it much thought. We negotiate at work with our direct supervisors, employees, suppliers, clients, and contacts all the time. Below is a short but valuable dialog of a negotiation of the type that takes place every day in the business world:

Employee: "I need to leave work early this Friday, but I can stay late on Monday. Would that be all right?"

Boss: "I don't need you to stay late on Monday. How about staying late on Tuesday to help me prepare that big proposal I'm working on?"

Employee: "OK, Tuesday it is. Thanks."
The above dialog is negotiation in its simplest form. The employee needs something from the boss. To ensure that he or she secures the desired request, a beneficial exchange is offered right up front, thus making it easy for the employer to say yes. Of course, if there were an important meeting on that particular Friday, then the request would most likely have been denied. This is why it is important to know as much as possible beforehand as to whether a situation is negotiable at all. Also, note how the request is phrased; "I need to leave work early on Friday, but I can stay late on Monday." The statement/request is clear and to the point; this cuts back on unnecessary or confusing banter between the parties. This is a simple negotiation from which much can be learned for more complicated interactions. The principle is the same. If one can master this simple form of give and take, then one can easily translate it to a broader audience or situation.
We commonly negotiate in our personal lives without realizing we are doing so. If you are in a relationship, you negotiate with your partner daily. If you have children, you negotiate hourly, sometimes every 15 minutes. We negotiate with friends, extended family, and strangers on a regular basis. When it comes to personal negotiations, we may call the process different names. Deciding, discussing, arguing, and suggesting are all terms we use for personal negotiating, but make no mistake, when you engage in this process, you are actively employing the skill of negotiation. These are perfect situations in which to practice your business negotiation skills.

Next time you and your partner or friends discuss dinner plans, pay close attention to how you handle your "opponent." Do you try to come to a conclusion that is satisfying to all, or a win-win settlement? Do you get angry or frustrated and storm from the room? Do you give up, give in, and just go along with what others want? Do you stubbornly refuse to bend at all? You can learn a lot about your negotiating style by observing these seemingly unimportant daily interactions. Use these situations to find your strengths and weaknesses; from these you can adjust, build, and expand on what you learn and apply this information to your business dealings.


Recognizing a Negotiable Situation
It is necessary to determine if the situation at hand is indeed negotiable before even opening discussions. There is a school of thought that insists that "everything is negotiable," which falsely leads people to believe that they can persuade anyone, anywhere, to change her or his mind about anything. This is simply not true. Some things are strictly nonnegotiable, and it is a wiser choice to recognize that fact and move on to another situation rather than to waste valuable time and effort in a no-win dead end.
If the other party or parties have no desire or interest in pursuing talks, it may be best to leave the discussions for another time or concede negotiations completely. There is no secret or special trick that will help you determine whether something is nonnegotiable. The other party will be quite adamant if there is no interest in entering discussions, making it clear that negotiations are not possible at that current time or ever. Persisting to seek negotiations after being clearly told that it is not desired may very well cause you to lose any future chance of opening discussions on the topic. However, there are times when the other party or parties are on the fence about whether to negotiate. Learning how to listen, read body language, and research well are all skills that will prove helpful in deciding if pursuit is possible.
Negotiation is essentially the art of bargaining well. Before you can begin to learn how to negotiate, you must first learn how to listen well to others. Practice the art of listening before moving into more advanced methods of bargaining and making deals. Once you have acquired the skill of listening well, start practicing negotiating in smaller areas of your life. Use work and personal situations to hone your ability to listen, persuade, and reach mutually beneficial decisions. Finally, be sure to determine whether a situation is indeed negotiable. If your partner got sick the last time you convinced him or her to eat spicy food, the odds are you are not going to negotiate Mexican, Indian, or Moroccan cuisine for dinner. It's nonnegotiable. 

Course Motivation

In the world of business, you don't always get what you deserve, and you certainly don’t always get what you want. What you actually wind up with is what you negotiate!
Maybe that’s one way to explain why so many people are unhappy in their current circumstances--because they were basically unequipped at the negotiation table. That doesn’t have to be the case in your scenario!
Think of the multitude of situations where savvy negotiating skills can pay off...
  • Solidifying a job offer
  • Negotiating a raise or promotion
  • Buying a new or used car
  • Purchasing a home or investment property
  • Hashing out the stipulations of a new contract
  • Bidding on a promising proposal or
  • Even haggling at the market or over the phone
Unfortunately, though, too many people--in the personal and professional arenas--are too intimidated and overwhelmed by the process of successful negotiations that they let their fear prevent them from making any progress!
Don't let this happen to you!
This course will provide you with all of the tips and tools that you’ll need in order to become quite accomplished at finding the perfect "middle ground" in each and every deal that comes your way. Whether you’re typically an overachiever or an underachiever in the negotiating room, you'll have all that you need to iron out those wrinkles and smooth your way to success.
Quit procrastinating and join us today to make getting what you deserve and getting what you negotiate one and the same!
Negotiation just comes naturally to some people. They seem to be blessed with a natural ability to foster conciliation, compromise and agreement. They seem to seek out any opportunity that they can find in order to advance their positions.
Others of us, however, struggle with the very notion of sitting down at the negotiation table. They literally run away from the idea. Of course, willingness isn’t the only thing.
There are plenty of people who come across too aggressively when it’s time to hash things out, and despite their drive, still somehow manage to muss things up due to a lack of understanding of the "subtle nuances" negotiation communications entail.
Not anymore! At the end of this class, you'll have completed a total of ten comprehensive lessons:

Lesson 1:
Negotiation Basics

Lesson 2: The Importance of Knowledge and Information for Negotiating Well

Lesson 3: Common Negotiating Mistakes

Lesson 4: Using Trust, Human Behavior & Psychology for Better Negotiations

Lesson 5: Win/Win Negotiation

Lesson 6: The Ethics of Negotiation

Lesson 7: International Negotiation

Lesson 8: Making the Most of a Distant Situation

Lesson 9: Problematic Solutions

Lesson 10: The Secrets of Powerful Negotiation
...where each lesson is designed around six important sections:
  • An introduction and summary of what you’ll cover
  • A topic breakdown entitled "Learn It"
  • A lesson overview entitled “Conclusion”
  • Additional reading, websites and other materials are listed under “Resources”
  • 10 question review “self-tests”
  • Plus highlighted terms, checklists, exercises, charts, graphs, lists, etc. are all seamlessly incorporated into the course materials to make learning easier and much more interactive.
The way you walk into a negotiation is a safe indicator of how you’ll wind up walking out of the negotiation room. Fortunately, the essentials covered in this convenient online, self-paced, self-contained class will equip you to walk away satisfied with the final arrangements in ANY negotiation.
There's no reason to feel nervous or intimidated. If at any time you encounter questions or something you simply don't understand, the class instructor is, literally, just an email away. Just access the Class Email Form by clicking on the Communications tab in the online classroom.
How are your current negotiation skills working to your advantage? What areas show a bit of room for improvement? No matter how accomplished of a negotiator you may be, there’s always something that you can do to take your performance to the next level. Registering today for this class is one of those options! Since there are no pre-set enrollment dates, or long lines of people to wait in, what's keeping you from taking control of the future of your negotiations today?
Remember: You don’t get what you deserve out of life, you get what you negotiate! Are you happy with what you’re getting? If not, enroll today and start seeing a big difference!
  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • Printable Lessons
  • Full HD Video  
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Course Lessons

Average Lesson Rating:
4.4 / 5 Stars (Average Rating)
"Extraordinarily Helpful"
(1,766 votes)

Lesson 1: Negotiating Basics

To develop your skills at negotiating, it is important to first understand some basic principles about what negotiating is and is not. Additional lesson topics: Win-Win Strategies 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 1 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Reasons for Taking this Course
  • Complete Assignment: An Example of a Good Negotiation
  • Assessment: Lesson 1 Exam

Lesson 2: The Importance of Knowledge and Information for Negotiating Well

Research is key in helping you gain information about the situation you will be negotiating. Additional lesson topics: Basic Negotiation Tips; Negotiation Dynamics 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 2 Video
  • Complete Assignment: Negotiation Preparation
  • Assessment: Lesson 2 Exam

Lesson 3: Common Negotiating Mistakes

In this lesson, we will discuss the most common mistakes made in negotiating and how to buffer the impact of those mistakes if you make one, anyway. We also will discuss some possible ways of turning around a deal gone bad due to a mistake that you, or so Additional lesson topics: Ten Negotiation Tips 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 3 Video
  • Complete Assignment: An Example of a Bad Negotiation
  • Assessment: Lesson 3 Exam

Lesson 4: Using Trust, Human Behavior, and Psychology for Better Negotiations

Having a clear understanding of human nature, behavior, and psychology will prove to be a valuable asset in bringing about positive results in the bargaining process. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 4 Video
  • Complete: Reading Body Language Activity
  • Assessment: Lesson 4 Exam

Lesson 5: Win-win Negotiation

In this lesson, we will discuss how to achieve a win-win situation in nearly every instance. With a little extra effort on the part of both parties, it is entirely possible to reach a mutually beneficial outcome most of the time. Additional lesson topics: Business Negotiation Articles 11 Total Points
  • Lesson 5 Video
  • Complete Assignment: Practice Negotiating a New Marketing Plan
  • Assessment: Lesson 5 Exam

Lesson 6: The Ethics of Negotiation

This lesson will cover the nuances and differences between ethical and unethical behavior. Ultimately, it will be up to you to decide how you will conduct yourself at the negotiating table. 11 Total Points
  • Lesson 6 Video
  • Complete Assignment: Handling an Unethical Scenario
  • Assessment: Lesson 6 Exam

Lesson 7: International Negotiating

Dealing with another culture can be tricky and difficult if you do not take the time to learn some basic social customs. Do not make the mistake of thinking that because those you deal with speak English that they will understand what you are trying to co Additional lesson topics: Negotiation Skills Site 9 Total Points
  • Lesson 7 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Global Negotiations
  • Assessment: Lesson 7 Exam

Lesson 8: Making the Most of a Distant Situation

There are times when you will have no choice but to deal over the phone, via e-mail or with conference calls. There are methods for making this task easier and clearer and techniques for getting what you need and want when negotiating long distance. 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 8 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Methods of Communication
  • Assessment: Lesson 8 Exam

Lesson 9: Problematic Situations

In this lesson, we cover the most common volatile situations that occur at the negotiating table and discuss how best to handle them with a reasonable amount of poise and grace. Additional lesson topics: Negotiation; Negotiation Tips; Coping in Difficult Negotiations 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 9 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 9 Exam

Lesson 10: The Secrets to Powerful Negotiation

Now that you have been introduced to the basics of this art, we offer you some tried and true methods of gaining advantage and leverage at the negotiating table. Additional lesson topics: The Negotiator Magazine; Power Negotiating 59 Total Points
  • Lesson 10 Video
  • Lesson discussions: What do you think about this course?; Program Evaluation Follow-up Survey (End of Course); Course Comments
  • Assessment: Lesson 10 Exam
  • Assessment: Final Exam
Total Course Points

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Define negotiation.
  • Describe the importance of knowledge and information for negotiating well.
  • Summarize common negotiating mistakes.
  • Describe using trust, human behavior and psychology for better negotiations.
  • Define win/win negotiation.
  • Define the ethics of negotiation.
  • Describe international negotiating.
  • Describe making the most of a distant situation.
  • Identify problematic situations.
  • Summarize the secrets to powerful negotiation.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Additional Course Information

Online CEU Certificate
  • Document Your Lifelong Learning Achievements
  • Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs
  • Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online
  • View and Share Your Certificate Online or Download/Print as PDF
  • Display Your Certificate on Your Resume and Promote Your Achievements Using Social Media
Document Your CEUs on Your Resume
Course Title: Negotiation Skills
Course Number: 7550241
Lessons Rating: 4.4 / 5 Stars (1,766 votes)
Languages: English - United States, Canada and other English speaking countries
Availability: This course is online and available in all 50 states including: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, and Washington.
Last Updated: August 2022
Course Type: Self-Paced, Online Class
CEU Value: 0.7 IACET CEUs (Continuing Education Units)
CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc. has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
Grading Policy: Earn a final grade of 70% or higher to receive an online/downloadable CEU Certification documenting CEUs earned.
Assessment Method: Lesson assignments and review exams
Instructor: Linda Zavadil
Syllabus: View Syllabus
Course Fee: $95.00 U.S. dollars

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Student Testimonials

  • "I thought it was great and helpful. I like the way it was laid out with important information that was not filler." -- Margot R.
  • "I really enjoyed myself in this course. I am glad that I took the time to do this course." -- Christie W.
  • "The instructor was beyond super, did an excellent job and very informative." -- Joann M.
  • "Great class, the instructor is very knowledable." -- Joann M.
  • "I learned a lot from taking the Negotiting Skills class. I must admit I am not the best negotiator in my personal life and have had limited use in the business world. Basics: negotiating job offers, negotiating trainig and development courses, and salary increases. This course offered concrete methods to assist one through the entire negotiation process. The first courses gave me a base and the last set of courses fine tuned the process. Great lesson plan and I know I will be able to use my knew founded skills when I start my next career." -- Maureen H.

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